The Youth Sailing Education Program is one of the programs of The Ocean of Dream Foundation. It has been introduced as a formation program for youth, who in the future will become yachtsmen. Our intention is to form youngsters who will carry forward into the next generation the spirit of sailing etiquette and best sailing practice.
The Program consists of 8 stages. Each of them has been carefully prepared as part of an apprenticeship in sailing and each is connected with the school education of the participants. Participation in the Program creates an opportunity to get to know oneself, to gain sailing experience, to visit new interesting places in the world and to meet new people. It’s an unforgettable adventure, and a chance to help others.

Program Goal: From Land Rat to Yacht Captain. It is thanks to the program devised by our Foundation that each of our beneficiaries, after completing this 9-step program, is qualified to independently lead small and large yachts, and is also able to train the next generation of sailors.
Scholarships are awarded annually for a period of 12 months.
The following persons may apply for scholarships:
charges of care and educational institutions,
former charges of institutions who are under 25 years of age.
Depending on the stage of sailing education, the scholarship amounts range from PLN 1,000 to PLN 3,500 per year.
FIRST CRUISES FOR ADEPTS. The adventure begins here.
PATENT TRAINING - from Sailor to Instructor.
Honorary Patron of the program:
Sailing Scholarship Fund
Bank Pekao S.A., Warsaw, POLAND
PL29 1240 6218 1111 0010 4356 6555